The Many Different Ways Cruises Can Be Dangerous

Cruise ships are a great option for your next vacation. Your family can get an all-inclusive package, and you don’t have to worry about paying for food or your kids running off while you’re at sea. Even better, cruises can take you anywhere in the world – and if you’re lucky enough to live in Florida, you don’t have to drive too far to get on

Florida Spring Break Injuries and How to Fight for Compensation


Spring break is a time to celebrate and enjoy freedom, but it can also be a time when unexpected injuries occur.


Case-in-point? Earlier this month a Ball State student was hit by a car that left the scene. Drew Akers was staying in Fort Lauderdale and crossing the street to catch a ride back to his hotel when the accident happened.


He sustained

People Go On Royal Caribbean Majesty of the Seas Cruise, get Norovirus


What do you think about when you imagine going on a cruise? Most people would probably say things like sitting by the pool, taking in amazing sights, sipping delicious cocktails, enjoying onboard entertainment, and – most of all – relaxing. One thing that you’re not likely to imagine is spending large portions of your vacation hanging out with your toilet because you get sick on

Take Care to Avoid Injuries on Holiday Cruises


If you and your family love the water, a holiday cruise might just seem like the perfect way for all of you to spend some vacation time together. After all, you’ve got catered food, gorgeous sights, and all kinds of entertainment – most of the bigger cruises truly have something for everyone.Just don’t let all that seasonal cheer make you forget that big ships mean