Halloween Safety List: How Kids (and Adults) Can Stay Safe This Year


Hollywood portrays Halloween as that one night out of the year filled with danger and fright.


Although there’s no such thing as a real-life Mike Myers coming after you this Halloween, there are real dangers to look out for during this festive season.

So we’ve compiled this printable safety list to keep the kids (and adults) in your life safe this Halloween.



Beyond Razorblades: Why Halloween Is a Scary Holiday for Florida Kids


Halloween is supposed to be scary fun, but it can turn scary in a real way for Florida kids if they are injured. Here are the main reasons that Halloween presents dangers to your child, as well as ways you can offer protection from the most common hazards.


Common Halloween Dangers in Florida


You’ve likely heard stories about people stashing things like razorblades

Halloween a Dangerous Time for Florida Drivers, Too

Halloween is a night full of spooky fun for children and adults… but you may be surprised to learn the scariest part of the holiday. It’s not ghosts or goblins – it’s the additional danger Florida drivers face for accidents and injuries.

Many people don’t realize that Halloween is a major day for car crashes, but it makes sense if you think about it. Several factors