Allergy and Asthma Medication Linked to Suicide and Depression


Allergies and asthma are two extremely common conditions in the United States. These two conditions affect both children and adults. They’re pervasive among both men and women.


They are so common, in fact, that the CDC estimates 1 in 13 people suffer from asthma and a staggering 50 million Americans experience symptoms from allergies each year.


With so many people being affected by

The Role of Non-Economic Damage Caps on FL Medical Malpractice


Can you put a dollar amount on losing a loved one? Can you calculate pain and suffering? Is there a limit as to how much you can receive to compensate for emotional damages?


These are the questions that Florida courts had to answer throughout the end of 2019. Two situations, in particular, involve non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases.


If you or a

Understanding How Dental Malpractice Cases Work in Florida


Everyone wants a beautiful smile and a healthy set of pearly whites. It’s why most people make trips to the dentist’s office every 4-6 months, trusting that their dentist will provide them with the best possible care.


Unfortunately, some dentists fail to meet the necessary standards for care and treatment due to negligence and end up injuring their patients.


If a dentist causes

Patients of Dental Clinic Potentially Exposed to HIV, Other Diseases

A recent dental clinic failure may have exposed several patients to HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Learn more about this story and what you can do if you are exposed to dangerous viruses while receiving any kind of medical treatment – including dental treatment.


Potentially Hazardous Exposure at University Clinic


The Nova Southeastern University orthodontic clinic at Davie recently failed to adequately sterilize

5 Different Types of Professional Malpractice in Florida

When you hire a professional to do a job, you hope they will perform that job to the highest professional standards. Sometimes, however, the people you hire don’t meet those standards and you might be able to sue for malpractice.


Malpractice is when a professional fails to use the appropriate level of care due to negligence or carelessness and it results in loss, damage, or

Patients Don’t Report Medical Errors— But They Should



When they are sick, injured, or simply checking up on their health, patients place their trust in the hands of doctors and other medical experts. But even experts can make mistakes. Research indicates that medical errors are a leading cause of death in the US, trailing closely behind heart disease and cancer. In the U.S., more than 400,000 Americans suffer wrongful deaths because of