Why So Many Florida Auto Accidents Result in Back Injuries


After a car accident, victims are encouraged to visit a doctor, even if they don’t show any symptoms or were just involved in a small fender bender. Why? Because the impact of a crash can cause long-lasting and serious injuries throughout the body.


A majority of these injuries involve the spinal cord and back. In fact, statistics from car crashes show that half of

Why Florida Electrical Injuries Happen, and How to Fight Back


Electricity is safe when its flow is controlled, but it is dangerous or deadly if the flow overreaches its bounds.  Every year, over 4,000 injuries and 1,000 deaths occur in the U.S. due to electrocution.


Construction workers are at a high risk of electrocution, which is second only to falls as the leading cause of death in the construction industry. Electrical shocks are a

What to Do If You’re Injured While Watching Your Favorite Florida Team


When you’re watching your favorite Florida team, you know that injuries come with the territory. Players get hurt sometimes, and the team just has to find a way to recover and keep rolling.

You’re probably not expecting yourself to be injured, though. Unfortunately, it does happen sometimes.


Below, we’re going to share stories of sports venue injuries so that you can be prepared in

Wrongful Death Damages Florida Allows You to Recover


If your loved one has died due to someone else’s negligence, you may have grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit. Below, we’re going to explain how wrongful death claims work in Florida, including the rules and filing procedures you need to follow in order to claim damages.


How Wrongful Death Is Defined Under Florida Law


Wrongful death is often related to manslaughter or

Real Halloween Scares: What Florida Parents Should Watch Out For


For many kids, Halloween is one of their favorite holidays. Not only do they get to dress up in fun costumes, they also get to go house-to-house collecting candy.


For Florida parents, though, Halloween can be kind of scary.


Pumpkin carving can cause injuries to hands and fingers. The candles that you use to light up jack-o’-lanterns can cause fires and burn injuries.

Why You Should Hire Andrew Winston for Your Personal Injury Case

An injury of any kind can turn a person’s entire world upside down, and have their loved ones scrambling to hold things together. Injuries can lead to the loss of a job or income, skyrocketing medical bills that send families into debt, and seemingly endless stress and trauma. From car accidents to slip and falls, injuries are never a positive experience.


Not all injuries are